Hello people, it has been some time from my last post, things has not changed a lot, i came back from country side yesterday and my mother came with me, she spent one night here and left this morning back to her home. Last evening i went to see my oldest brother and his family and then from there i went to see my sister, and got to drank wiskey with her husband. It is something we have done for few years, drank wiskey, talked and listened some good finnish music.

I did also meet my friends and we had very fun time, it was kind of comical that all my friends talked about how they had some arguing in their families on christmas and I said to them that that did not happen with us.. But guess the second time. Yep, just when they left my family started their own ordeals.. The part that I don’t understand and was amazed about was that no one did not say a thing. I don’t understand why people cannot say and talk when something doesnt feel right? just play like everything is allright when it apparently is not and everything should be good..?


Then, when the whole evening was full of that tension, some people wasnt talking at all and i was wondering how we came to that situation, i dont know how it started, i dont know the real reason to that, i was not in that argue, i rarely are, usually i just go outside and keep my self away from those but that day, i couldnt do that, in a cottage, all you can really do is to be in the same room mostly.. but when i finally went to sleep at x:xx am i was soon woken at 5 am by one of my family member. She wanted talk with me about the ordeal and how she felt about it. Well, it was good but why she couldnt say those things to those that was part of it, was i just the easy pick, the person who listenes but dont blame you, the person outside of it who will not argue about it..? I dont know, i just wish that people would talk about their feelings! The next day after that, it was a little better, but still some tension in the air.. it was not nice at all. Well, hope that it will be dealed at later time.. anyway, one thing my parents have teached me is that \"never go to sleep if youre sad or angry, always talk about them, you never know if thats the last day you have\", so if they have teached that to me, where was it on those days?


I \"hate it\" when people just shut them selfs, when they dont speak whats the matter. When i was kid, one of my parents used to go in a room and be quiet for days, not speaking with anyone, some times you didnt even know the reason for it.. and then after, there was no word about what was wrong. To me its one of the most worse things you can do to other. Just shut someone off and never speak about it, leave someone questioning whats all about. Are we so bad in communicating with others that we cant even talk how we feel, do we really think that is the right way or does for example some of my family members think that that is the most powerfull way of acting. Or then they just love the feeling they get after, people around you, taking good care of you so that you wouldnt just shut up again? Does that make them feel more valuable, more important as a person? ..


Well, its too much of a rant anyway already, lets change our subject to more better one.


In the end my christmas was good, i have said no to gifts, so i just received few, some towels, and then this kind of a billow, theres some grain of wheat in it, and then you put that billow in the micro for about 4 minutes and after that its hot and you can put it for example in your shoulders. The best way of relaxing some musles and get some tension of. It will stay warm over 2 hours.. perfect!


Ok. i think its time for music video, there will be more tomorrow.. You need to put more voice since the clip is pretty silent.. May i present to you..


Tommy Emmanuel - Luttrell