Good day to everyone,

It is nice tuesday day in here Finland; maybe sun is shining, i dont know, maybe there is clouds, i dont know, maybe it rains i dont know. What i know is, that there is always sun, even when we dont see it, behind the clouds. It is same with our true being, we have emotions, we have all kinds of feelings, relationships, happenings, most of the times our mind is covered with anything but silence, and still, i know, that behind all those. There is ultimate silence, ultimate love, ultimate light. The True Being and sun shines in there, all the way. Some say it is just all empty, but is it really? ..i let you to answer that.

World is kind of wierd place, to think that we all are in here, humans and other beings, we communicate and live and search, always searching more, asking more.. we all have the need to find, but then we ask, find what? Some know what they are looking for, some dont have no idea and to some, it does not matter. We may not realize that most of our actions are because we are missing something, and the need to find is built inside of us. Just think of it, why you buy some things, why you miss someone near you, why you want this and that, often, i think, we would say; \"because i felt that i need it, i missed something in me and i felt kind of that when i take this, the feeling desappears..\". I do not mean that for example relationships would be bad, no. relationships are gifts, and the other helps you to find that side of you that maybe is missing, the other \'makes you whole\' they used to say.

So yeah, this kind of thoughts today. I have been reflecting a lot of my ideas and thoughts in my head, try to figure out, what makes them arise in me. What is the root for this and this to be like that. Not why this idea pops to my head, but where, after what thought or feeling this came in my head? And what there was like that, that my mind slipped and went along with this emotion or thought. And let me say, it is  a great way to get to know that side of you that you easily try to cover, especially with those ideas in your head, that when those come, you think gods - go away, you remind me something i dont want to remember! But why, what in me was hurt?

Have a great day, and remember, sun shines - even when there is clouds.